Monday, March 26, 2007

Pythagorean tuning

Music of the Spheres

Meaning of Numbers

Sacred Tetractys


Pythagorean proportions

...using a Monochord to produce musical intervals based on the proportions:

1:1 = unison

2:1 = octave

3:2 = fifth

4:3 = fourth

changing the spirit of the place

first feeling...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Research Groups

Genius Loci

Particular places in nature have inspired people to create works of art or to react to them spiritually in rituals with characteristics related to the spirit of the place, the so-called genius loci. In the course of time art became independent of these places, with special buildings like theaters, churches, concert halls and museums built to execute the rituals of art. Following this, the relationship between the artwork and the place where it is made was further weakened by the technological possibilities of reproduction and mass dissemination.

The present, virtual environment as a product of digital media has lost any connection to the spatial environment, resulting in products that only react to each other. In this way the virtual environment creates its own context, a process that is underscored by the fact that the traditional stages and museum environments have not been able to transform themselves into venues where technological art forms can find a place. What criteria should be developed for spaces designed to attract audiences for these art forms? To achieve this, the concept of environment will have to be further developed outside of the walls of the museum and into the public space. Artists can help to reconstruct these spaces for this aim by creating temporary or permanent studios and laboratories where the work in progress can find a place.

Dates: March, 26, 27, 29, April 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 26

Objective: how to use the characteristics of a space in the creation of works of art?

Location: t.b.a.

Examination: small research assignments, attendance

Important note: The research group Genius Loci is open to students in the 2nd year BA and higher.